Publish videos on my YouTube channel, MykDoesStuff and

I started a couple channels under MykDoesStuff and where I posted videos about things I was working on. I took a break to focus on work and learn since recording the videos as well as learning was a lot for me since this is all new. I like twitch so the idea is to do most of the videos live and edit them afterwards.

Activity (newest → oldest)

  • Marked as a goal (1-month)

  • Progress update
    I want to post some for Valentine's Day and St. Patrick's Day coming up plus some update videos on my youtube channel like what Ive been up to or goals. I posted the stream for the stained glass project to my personal channel. I plan on posting a mix of stream VODs and edited videos on specific topics or projects.
  • Marked as a goal (3-months)

  • Start of activity