Start streaming on Twitch

Part of the problem with the channel last time was recording the video & audio plus editing took enough time that it was hard to do that and actually learn things that I would make videos about. This time I am using the approach that tech streamers like Theo & ThePrimeagen use where they stream their content and then edit the recordings twitch provides afterwards. I am going to start streaming on Twitch for MykDoesStuff where I'll be sharing what I learn or am working on to inspire others to work on projects of their own.

Activity (newest β†’ oldest)

  • Marked as a goal (3-months)

  • Progress update
    I have been tinkering with OBS and got some scenes setup like a starting soon or multicam setup. I also did my first stream this month so I should be improving from here! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
  • Marked as a goal (3-months)

  • Start of activity